Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Here's a snippet from chapter two. Remember, this is a first draft. I had to stop myself from reworking the chapter when I was looking for a section to post. Aside from going back to make spelling corrections, I'm trying very hard to keep moving forward with the writing and leaving revisions for the second draft.


The Jeep wound it's way through the canyon as the late morning sun blazed upon the red and yellow sandstone of the upper most portion of the eastward facing walls. Coming to a stretch that narrowed to barely the width of a man, Clay spun the car around pointing it in the direction they had come and killed the engine. 

“We walk from here,” Clay said, exiting the Jeep. 
Nat looked into the narrow rock passage as a worried frown crossed his face. “We're going in there?”

Clay slipped a key into a waterproof lock box bolted under the driver seat. “Yep, but it'll open back up before you know it. It's a pretty cool place once you get used to it.”

“I don't know. What if there's a mountain lion in there or something?”

“Then he'll need to find another place to hang out until we leave.” Clay pulled a nylon holster from the box and clipped it to the right side of his belt. Next from the box came a medium size revolver which, after opening the gate and giving the cylinder a spin, he holstered.

Nat's expression showed less frown and more worry. 

“There's nothing to fret about, Nat. I always carry a gun when I'm out in these remote spots. It's just sort of a security blanket for scaredy cats like me.”

“You get scared, Grampa?”

“Well sure I do. It's beautiful out in the wild but it ain't all that hard to get spooked now and then with all the solitude. A gun can be a real comfort at those times. The thing you need to know is that, in all the years I've spent in places like this, I've never needed to fire it at a living thing, not once. So get that look off your face and let's go see a wonder.”


  1. Cute is not the right word, but it's the one that comes to mind. Really nice interaction between grandfather and grandson. I like Clay*, how he responds to situations and to people. He's a main character I can stick with for a good while.

    *I will admit that I can't seem to remove the name Wes from him. Don't worry, give me time, I'll catch up eventually....

  2. Thanks. Cute is far better than dull. Clay was originally a depressed maudlin character who bored me to death. By toughening and lightening up his character, he's become someone I can now work with.

    Wes was a good name but when I noticed another 2YN classmate was using the name for their MC, I decided to change it for clarity.
