Saturday, September 4, 2010


I was researching something a while back and noticed a curious fact about the fall of the Western Roman Empire. That being that the year of the fall was 476 AD. That's precisely 13 centuries to the year before the 13 American colonies declared their independence from the world's greatest empire, Great Britain. (Let's not forget Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati was also founded in 1776.)

Coincidence or deliberate execution of a centuries old plan?

I imagine there's been some interesting theories put forth on this of which I haven't as yet come across.

If you have any information relating to this or want to chime in with your own theory, do so.

The truth is still out there.
Mark Raft



  1. Very interesting. The independence declaration date probably is a coincidence but then again stranger things have happened, and I have to admit that such 'coincidences' - together with conspiracy theories - are always very intriguing.

  2. Ahem. Well. Were I a Sunder character, I would certainly have a lot to say on this. Seeing that I'm not, however, I'll just say... well done, Rick. ;)

  3. I had responded to these and one previous comment and see now that I have inadvertently erased them. Probably happened when I was trying to fathom the odd punctuation (&#39) which ends up on this site now and again.
