Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sunder First Draft

My first draft for Sunder is underway. Chapter One took a while to get down and now that it's finished, I see why it's said that the first draft should just be written down the way it comes out without revisions. (At least, I think someone said something like that) Before the chapter had ended, I'd already figured out parts of the chapter that will probably be moved over to later chapters in the second draft. I had given the chapter extra work so that wouldn't happen. Live and learn I suppose. Onward with chapter two.

1 comment:

  1. You've made a good start :) It can be very tempting to start moving things around before the first draft is finished, so I wouldn't worry too much. You could always make a note of any obvious changes that you want to make, then you'll have a bit of a head start when it's time for revision and working on the second draft.
