Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Devil's in the Details

Ain't that the truth. Sometimes, writing seems to be nothing but details.

MC does something with a something.
Where did he get the something?
Oops, better go back and find a good place to show that the something is already in his inventory.
Rats, he doesn't have anything to keep his inventory in.
Best go back four or five chapters and show that he has something to keep his somethings in.
A baby sealskin leather bag with Bald Eagle talons stitched around it will do nicely.
Excellent, maybe now I can get on with the story.
Crap, I just remembered my MC's a PETA vegan.
Why would someone like that have a leather bag to keep his somethings in?
Okay, from now on, MC's a hamburger loving mercenary.
At last, everything works and I can get back to the story.
Now what the hell was I writing about?

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