Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tip Toe Through the Tavern

I have nothing to say tonight so I'll just post a little snippet from chapter seven. Is Clay at a bachelor party or is he investigating a noise he hears in a ghost town?

Near the front door was a wood walking cane hanging from it's curved handle over a coat rack peg. Clay grabbed the cane and whacked it hard against the steel frame of the barber chair. When it did not break, he pulled the razor from his pocket and whittled the cane's straight end to a tapered point. Returning the razor to his pocket, he got a feel for his weapon with a couple of two handed thrusts. 

He then unlatched the back door deadbolt and, after a quick look outside, exited the shop. Flanking the rear of the buildings, he hurried back to the tavern keeping his steps as quiet as possible, all the while thinking the chances were that he was stalking nothing more dangerous than a feral house cat looking for food. 

At the Tavern rear entrance, he found the service door locked. He had hoped to gain the advantage of surprise but he had no choice now but to go around and enter from the front where the door stood open.
Once there, he stepped onto the wood boardwalk spanning the front of the tavern and cringed as the plank creaked under his weight. Every step thereafter resulted in a similar moan from the sun dried boards.

Halfway to the door, another miscalculation dawned on him. His shadow was leading the way. Another step and anyone inside, who had not already heard him, would be able to see his dark precursor in the doorway. Damn.


  1. Bachelor party. Definitely.
    Also: Clay’s jury-rigged weapon brought to mind all of those classic gentlemanly sword canes. It’s an interesting little contrast and compare.

  2. Yes, the classic sword cane, surpassed in popularity only by the nine ounce flask cane.
