Monday, October 18, 2010


Chapter eleven, blah, blah, blah. Turn an info dump into something interesting to read. I've avoided starting this chapter for a bad week. To be continued....

Lo and behold, (how many times have you wished you could actually use that phrase?) it has turned out to be one of the most fun chapters I've written in the entire story, so far. This is probably not all that satisfying a   revelation for someone following this blog, so (Echoing the words of the Pink Floyd, "Is there anyone out there?") in a pointless effort to alleviate the void, I'll  post this priceless passage from chapter eleven for your immeasurable pleasure.

Yes, the “priceless” and 'immeasurable' parts are intended as  facetious.


Here Clay realizes he has become twenty years younger....

Clay took another look in the mirror and then faced Mark. “You're right, I do look about forty. But listen to me, as strange as this sounds, I really am sixty three.”

“Sweet mother of pearl, you're serious.”

“Damn right, I'm serious. When I left home this morning I looked every year my age. I don't know why it's happened, but I've a pretty good idea what's causing it.”

“The alien probe,” Mark said, like an exuberant school child with the answer to his teacher's question.

“Yeah, only I don't think it's a probe and I don't think they're aliens. At least not in the flying saucer sense.”

“Amazing. You've got the actual fountain of youth sitting inside you,” Mark said, breaking the seal on the bottle, “ and there aren't even any headhunters guarding it's secret.”

“I wouldn't be so certain about that, Kid.”

Oh, it slipped my mind but I was listening to Oldfield.


  1. Ah, don’t you love info dumps? So necessary, so completely taboo.
    Aside from that, Mark’s funny. I’m slowly realizing that he can make any scene he’s in enjoyable-- if occasionally cringe-worthy. :P

  2. I read somewhere that you should always give your main character the best lines. If that's true, I'm in big trouble as Mark is Costello to Clay's Abbott.
