Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Post-Part-One Depression

Following the conclusion of part one, I found myself disinterested in part two and have struggled over the last few weeks to find some motivation to begin writing again on a regular basis. Having "Pirates of the Burning Sea", one of my past favorite online games, go to a free to play status at the same time didn't help me get much writing done either.

The break, however, seems to have done me some good, and now that I've done a fair amount of plundering and pillaging, I'm back to writing every day.(as life permits) Clay and Mark have even had their first zombie encounter. There's nothing like the rotting living dead to get the juices flowing.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Point of No Return

I had not noticed that last week I'd reached the half way mark of my original 90,000 word projection. Having arrived at the 46,000 word mark, I'm as far from the end of the story as to the beginning. If I'm going to run out of fuel, it might as well be near the finish than somewhere along the trail heading back to the start. Then again, this logic might not apply as well to writing as it does to flying. No matter, I'd still rather crash and burn near the end than the beginning. (This entire issue is mute as my reassessed word projection is 120,000 words.)